5月明星手机哪家强?vivo Z5x 24日重磅出击让你嗨翻天
vivo为广大粉丝真诚献上的vivo Z5x即将重磅出击,相信很多V粉对这款即将走入公众视野的Z5x充满了期待。据可靠消息称,即将发布的vivo Z5x有三大亮点:极点全面屏、骁龙710以及5000mAh大容量电池,在其它产品信息尚未曝光的前提下,这三大亮点目前赚足了许多网友的目光,从整体性能方面看,vivo Z5x非常强悍,续航能力更是所向披靡。
”内外兼修“是vivo手机具备的最大特质,vivo Z5x也不例外。@吴帆_Fany作为vivo的产品经理,向公众曝光了vivo Z5x的相关外形信息,不到9mm的轻薄机身让用户持握更轻松、更舒适;6.53英寸的超大屏幕再次突破创新,引领国产手机时尚外观新潮流。5000mAh大容量电池、强悍处理器等多项配置大大增强了vivo Z5x在市场上的竞争力,vivo的每一款新品总让人充满了无限期待。
在vivo Z5x的研发过程中,vivo的结构工程师就“兼容大容量电池与轻薄机身”这一问题进行了深入思考,他通过对副板面积缩减为电池扩容,同时有效保证机身体积不因电池容量的增加而被动增大,这种设计一箭双雕,实现了大容量电池与轻盈机身的双赢。此外,在对副主板的改造设计过程中,vivo的结构工程师选用了新的材料和器件,机身内部的空间得到了全新的优化升级。vivo Z5x的续航能力到底有多出色,让我们拭目以待!这项创举为很多用户解决了用电难题,意义非凡,相信vivo Z5x面世后必然会收获无数好评,成为近段时间手机市场中的一匹黑马。
vivoZ5x的全新亮相是以“性能实力派”的定位出现在公众视野中的,它的美远不止一点!继双面屏、水滴屏、零界全面屏、“塔罗屏”等设计之后,vivo Z5x以“极点全面屏”的创意设计即将走入大众的视野,6.53英寸的大屏突破常规,只为给千万用户解放双眼,给目光自由安放的无限可能。这次采用的这种创意屏幕会不会被应用到未来发布的新品当中呢?这就要取决于广大用户的反馈了。
vivoZ5x是属于年轻人的明星手机,想不想亲身感受它带来的畅爽体验呢?敬请关注vivo官方微博,随时了解最新资讯,同时转发微博带话题“vivo Z5x性能实力派”,就有更多机会抽到这款神仙手机哦!5月25日,揭晓抽奖名单,你会不会是幸运儿呢?明晚7点半,vivo Z5x与你相约,我们不见不散!
The main opposition party, the Indian National Congress (INC), is expected to win around 50 constituencies.
Over 540 parliamentary constituencies went to polls after the election was cancelled in a constituency in southern state of Tamil Nadu in the elections.
The ECI website showed that in most constituencies, the BJP candidates have maintained a strong lead over their rivals, and will go on to win finally when the results are out late in the evening.
BJP supporters could be seen dancing and rejoicing over the party's strong lead in the ongoing vote counting process. Five years ago, the BJP had independently won 282 seats in the lower house of parliament which has more than 540 members.
For government formation, a single political party, or an alliance of political parties, require 272 lawmakers.
Live TV channels showed the BJP-led ruling National Democratic Alliance (NDA) is expected to win in around 340 constituencies, while the opposition alliance, which includes the INC, seems to be winning in 93 constituencies, and the rest 100 constituencies are expected to be won by other smaller political parties.
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