The replica of Buddha Tooth from Beijing, China and Kandy, Sri Lanka Enshrined in the relic section of the WAKI Relic Musuem,Malaysia (华琪舍利子博物馆).
On 17 November 2019 the Venerable Sayadaw U Kittivara presented Mr. Teo Choo Guan (World Peace Ambassador and WAKI International Group Founder & Chairman) withthe replica buddha tooth from Beijing, China & Kandy, Sri Lanka. The relics of Shakyamuni Buddha and his ten disciples are now enshrined in the WAKI Relic Musuem (华琪舍利子博物馆).
The Venerable Sayadaw U Kittivara, Venerable Hui Hai and Venerable B. Sri Saranankarawere present to officiate the Enshrinement ceremony. More than four hundred guests, both local and from overseas came to worship and witness this historic moment.
具有二千五百年历史的佛教在经历了战争和朝代的更替后,依然能够被世代传承至今,可谓是来之不易。此次的庆典仪式,不仅让普罗大众有缘礼拜各个佛牙影骨舍利,释迦摩尼佛真身舍利和佛陀十大弟子真身舍利子。 同时我们也一起祈福国泰民安及社会安定。
Buddhism has been passed down from generation to generation over the past 2500 years event through the journey had been hard.The Enshrinement ceremony has given the participants a chance to worship the replicas of Buddha Tooth from Beijing, China an Kandy, Sri Lanka, the relics of the Lord Buddha and the ten disciples of Buddha. The participants also prayed for peace in the country and stability in society.
During the ceremony, Mr. Teo Choo Guan ( World Peace Ambassador and the founder and chairman of Waki International Group) stated that he felt thankful to the Venerable Sayadaw U Kittivara for his trust and generosity for giving him the relics to be enshrined in the WAKI Relic Musuem (华琪舍利子博物馆).
He stated that all the historical and rare Relics will be enshrined in the WAKI Relic Musuem (华琪舍利子博物馆),Malaysia. He also thanked all the venerables and guests who had come to participate at the ceremony and enabling the enshrinement ceremony to be successfully completed.